Tears on the Church House Floor, Hardcover
Do you ever cry out for Gods attention? Like the blind man who called out for Jesuss healing, have you ever hoped for a miracle if only you could get Gods attention, hoping that he might turn your way and send you relief from lifes burdens? But what happens when we call out to God and hear no answer or receive no miracle? Has God passed us by, or are we missing something else with our blindness? In Tears on the Church House Floor, author Dan Pratt shares a deeply personal story about the grief that he and his family experienced in a traumatic year of their lives, losing a grandson, a mother, and beloved pet. But more than that, it is a story of the incredible God who did not just stop and turn to aid them in a moment; rather, God wove himself into their lives over a fifty-year period to prepare this family for a season of grief. Your tears matter to God. Each tear is collected by his Holy Spirit because he values you and will not leave you alone in your sorrows. While we may not see the whole story at each step in the journey, there is a coming day when we will see clearly all that God has done in our lives.