Sacred Intentions: Morning Inspiration to Strengthen the Spirit, Based on Jewish Wisdom, Paperback
What a wonderful way to start each day. An inspirational companion of comfort, reassurance, and hope that helps you start each day of the year on a positive note--with a powerful quote from a Jewish source, and a brief, striking reflection on it from an inspiring spiritual leader. Contributors include: Judith Z. Abrams - Bradley Shavit Artson - Tsvi Blanchard - Lester Bronstein - Nina Beth Cardin - Michael M. Cohen - William Cutter - Amy Eilberg - Dov Peretz Elkins - Edward Feinstein - Mordecai Finley - Nancy Flam - Elyse Frishman - David Gelfand - Neil Gillman - James Stone Goodman - Leonard Gordon - Irving (Yitz) Greenberg - Joel Lurie Grishaver - Lawrence A. Hoffman - Abie Ingber - Elana Kanter - Irwin Kula - Lawrence Kushner - Lori Lefkovitz - Adina Lewittes - Arthur J. Magida - Vivian Mayer - Michael Paley - James Ponet - Bernard S. Raskas - Rachel T. Sabath - Jeffrey K. Salkin - Sandy Eisenberg Sasso - Amy Scheinerman - Harold Schulweis - Rami M. Shapiro - Mychal B. Springer - Ira Stone - Joseph Telushkin - Harlan J. Wechsler - Sharon L. Wechter - David Wolpe