The Old Evangelization: How to Share the Faith Like Jesus Did, Paperback
In The Old Evangelization, Sammons goes back to the source, taking a look at what Jesus did (and didn't do) when he preached the Good News and drawing out the lessons he taught us. All evangelization begins with a personal ""encounter."" And so Sammons examines Jesus' most instructive Gospel encounters - with the Samaritan woman at the well, for instance, or with the rich young man- and discovers within each a particular truth that, even 2, 000 years later, can help us make new disciples. He also makes these truths concrete and accessible by showing how the saints practiced them, and by offering practical tips for reflecting on them and putting them to use. Evangelization is not an option but Christ's express command (Matt. 28: 19-20). What better way to answer this call than by imitating his supreme example?