70 Play Activities for Better Thinking, Self-Regulation, Learning & Behavior, Paperback
Packed with worksheets, handouts, and guided scripts with step-by-step directions, this definitive resource will put you to the top of your play game. With over 70 activities designed to improve thinking, self-regulation, learning and behavior, your tool kit will be full and your creative brain will be inspired to craft your own meaningful exercises. Play now, Play later... with 70 Play Activities for better brain function and learning. Based on years of clinical experience and educational work, Harvard-trained psychologist, Lynne Kenney, Psy D, and school psychologist, Rebecca Comizio MA, MA-Ed, NCSP have created fun, imaginative, and brain-based exercises for children and adolescents to develop attention, planning, executive function and mood management skills. Featuring: Musical Thinking Physical Activities Social Interaction Games Art making Perfect for the classroom, clinic or home