Never Parted: A Brother's Loving Teachings from the Afterlife, Paperback
Does our relationship with our loved ones end when they pass away, or might it be possible to stay in contact with them, even when they are no longer in their physical form? Are after-death communications possible? Why are so many people reporting they have had direct signs-even actual communications from their dearly loved parted ones? To her shock and great surprise, after her brother's death, Terri Segal discovered that communication with the dead is possible and that it happens more often than we had ever thought. Told with humor, honesty, and sensitivity, Terri's true journey from grief to understanding offers a universal message of comfort and hope. Never Parted shows us how thin the veil that separates our daily lives from the deceased really is, and that it is possible to reach across and learn the truth about death-and life. AFTERLIFE LESSONS AND TEACHINGS FROM MS. SEGAL'S BROTHER, PLUS ACCOMPANYING SCIENTIFIC VALIDATION COMMENTS ARE ALSO INCLUDED.