Between Life & Death: Surviving the Darkness, Paperback
This book is dedicated to the hardworking EMS providers that give one hundred and ten percent every day. Many have given almost everything they had to a complete stranger for the simple reason to help people in need. Over the years, I have seen multiple examples of miracles, but I also have seen many more tragedies that life deals out to the unfortunate. Some days all we can do is our ultimate best and take the outcomes for their best. This book will take you down a pathway of what we will face in the EMS world. It will also show how we can cope with the stress from seeing some of the worst of the injured and complex serious medical emergencies repeatedly. I will show you the pathways we could take to cope with our stressful lives of helping people in need when we need a break in life. I will take you from a good day then to hell and back again as the book unfolds. Our team effort is the real magic of the whole healing process. Sometimes the healing is done the hard way or maybe it's the best way. I think it's just ""Dale's Way."" Hold on and get ready for the ride of a life time. I will bring you all back safe. I promise...