2018 Lippincott Pocket Drug Guide for Nurses, Paperback (6th Ed.)
Contributor(s):Author: Amy Morrison Karch Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. The 2018 Lippincott Pocket Drug Guide for Nurses provides current, vital drug information ""in a nutshell."" Based on the popular Lippincott Nursing Drug Guide by Amy Karch, this handy pocket guide by the same author gives essential information on over 2, 000 medications in an easy-access A-to-Z format. The ""mini"" drug monographs include generic and trade names, drug class, pregnancy risk category and controlled substance schedule, ""black box"" warnings, indications & dosages, dose adjustments, adverse effects, drug interactions, nursing considerations, and patient teaching. A special section reviews Patient Safety and Medication Administration. Appendices cover topical and ophthalmic medications, laxatives, combination products, contraceptives, biological agents (vaccines), and more. Also includes free online access to Monthly Drug Updates and a Toolkit loaded with hundreds of additional drug-related resources on the Point. The pocket-sized 2018 Lippincott Pocket Drug Guide for Nurses will quickly become your go-to guide for important drug facts and vital patient safety tips and alerts. New to this edition Full monographs on 30 newly approved drugs More than 1, 500 additions, changes, and updates to indications, dosages, and administration Key features Alphabetized by generic name for fingertip access to the information you need Includes brand names, drug class, pregnancy risk, and controlled substance schedule for each drug Prominent alerts for dangerous drugs and black box warnings Special section addressing Patient Safety and Medication Administration Appendices on alternative therapies, topical and ophthalmic drugs, laxatives, contraceptives, biologicals, and combination products Anatomy of a drug monograph on inside front cover Detailed index of all g