Prayers for Today: A Yearlong Journey of Contemplative Prayer, Paperback
A collection of classic and contemporary prayers, some derived from Scripture and others from the writings of Christian leaders throughout the centuries, this beautiful volume invites readers into a daily experience of closer intimacy with God. Each day's entry focuses on one of ten traditional types of prayer: Prayers of Thanksgiving Prayers of Confession Prayers of Affirmation Prayers of Petition Prayers of Renewal Prayers of Praise and Adoration Prayers to Have Christ-like Character Prayers for Wisdom and Guidance Prayers of Intercession Prayers of Surrender With 260 entries -- enough for every weekday of an entire year -- Prayers for Today guides readers through a unique kind of spiritual pilgrimage, a pilgrimage toward the very throne room of God. For any reader who's ever wanted more out of prayer or who's ever hungered for a greater sense of God's presence, Prayers for Today promises deepened communion with the One who treasures the words and longings of His people.