Seamless Faith: Simple Practices for Daily Family Life, Paperback
NOTE: THIS WORK IS INACTIVE AS OF 12/21/16: See ONIX feeds for Faithful Families, ISBN 9780827211223 Add family faith moments to your daily routine with little or no prep In our over-scheduled world, how can you fit in meaningful spiritual experiences with your kids? Traci Smith, a pastor and mother of two, shares ways to discover and develop new spiritual practices as a family, whether you're a new seeker or a lifelong follower. Seamless Faith is brimming with easy, do-it-yourself ways to create those moments with little to no prep needed Seamless Faith helps you: Add family faith moments into your daily routine. Learn new spiritual practices alongside your kids; no previous religious experience necessary. Teach your children to appreciate religious diversity with time-tested non-Christian and Christian spiritual practices.