Frommer's Easyguide to River Cruising, Paperback
Frommer's Easy Guide to River Cruising is the first book on the market to cover this wildly popular vacation activity. The book contains opinionated, no-holds-barred reviews of all of the major, and many of the smaller, river cruise lines (including specific reviews of their varying ship classes). These include advice on which boats offer the best value, which are best for luxury seekers, which will do the trick for foodies, which have high tech amenities, and which don't. One chapter is only on booking: where can one find discounts, why one should use a travel agent, what's the timing for reserving your cruise and more. In addition, the book will aid cruisers trying to choose the right river to sail, in chapters that span the globe. What are the highlights of the Amazon, the Irawaddy (in Myanmar), the Mississippi, the Nile, the Seine, the Volga or the Upper Danube (to name just a few)? The book answers these questions and many others, discussing what are the best shore excursions along all the major waterways of the world; what are the most rewarding destinations to add on, either before or after a cruise; and what are the most fun off-the-beaten-path activities and