Immersion Bible Studies: James, 1 & 2 Peter, 1, 2 & 3 John, Jude, Paperback
In this eight-week study, Michael E. Williams explores James, 1 & 2 Peter, 1, 2, & 3 John, and Jude not only with a keen theological eye and a pastor's heart, but also with the imagination of a poet and master storyteller. The Bible stories come alive and are connected to everyday life in a ways that help us see the workings of God in our lives. Easy-to-follow, step-by-step suggestions for leading a group are provided, as well as questions to facilitate class discussion. Immersion, inspired by a fresh translation--the Common English Bible--stands firmly on Scripture and helps readers explore the emotional, spiritual, and intellectual needs of their personal faith. More importantly, they'll be able to discover God's revelation through readings and reflections.