Teaching Preschool and Kindergarten Math: More Than 175 Ideas, Lessons, and Videos for Building Foundations in Math, a Multimedia Professional Learnin, Paperback
Through an exciting multimedia format, Teaching Preschool and Kindergarten Math takes you into an early childhood classroom for a seeing is believing look at how to create a focused, successful mathematics program while simultaneously deepening your knowledge of the mathematical ideas that need to be developed at an early age. You ll find: 26 video segments filmed in an actual classroom; more than 150 lessons and investigations; dozens of ideas for encouraging and supporting math talk with young children; numerous formative assessment recommendations including videos ofone-on-one interviews; research-based strategies and insights to student misconceptions; reproducibles (also available in a downloadable, printable format atwww. mathsolutions. com/teachingpreschoolreproducibles), and more. The demands of the Common Core State Standards require students to have a stronger grounding in math concepts early on. In addition, research indicates that mastery of math concepts in early childhood is the most powerful predictor of later learning. These factors and more make Teaching Preschool and Kindergarten Math an essential go-to resource for the teaching and learning of early childhood mathematics.""