The Beautiful Wife Prayer Journal, Paperback
Beautiful Womanhood is a nonprofit Christian ministry whose mission is to strengthen marriages by equipping marriage mentors, encouraging women in their role as wives, and helping women build loving, godly, and supportive relationships with other wives. Since 2003, women have been coming together through Beautiful Womanhood small groups, where they gain insight from Sandy Ralya's teaching, personal guidance from a marriage mentor, and support from a loving community of women in order to realize God's plan for them. In each small group, a marriage mentor meets with small group members and leads the group through a discussion of the book. Each member of a Beautiful Womanhood small group is encouraged to journal their thoughts through their study. The Beautiful Wife Prayer Journal offers Bible verses, prayer suggestions, and dedicated space for journaling that small group members are encouraged to read and use between group sessions. Beautiful Womanhood Seminars Churches or community groups are invited to host a seminar or retreat led by author and speaker, Sandy Ralya. Specifically and individually designed to each church's needs, the seminar can train incoming mentors, excite new mentees, offer breakout sessions to discuss specific issues, and encourage the development of small group communities for wives. For more information, visit www. beautifulwomanhood. com.