Marriage Is for Losers, Celibacy Is for Fools, Paperback
Marriage is for Losers Dr. John R. Adolph challenges us in this book that marriage is for losers. Every couple must lose in order to win in your marriages. The fundamental building block in any relationship starts with God at the center. Only God can help us lose selfishness, lose an unforgiving spirit, lose the bad negative attitudes that we carry as baggage. Only God can keep us from arguments, and teach us to communicate by speaking and listening. Since none of us are perfect, nor always kind, thoughtful, understanding, considerate and loving, we need to learn how to forgive. Dr. John R. Adolph nails it for us showing us how to do marriage God's way. I wished someone had pointed these principles out for me and my wife when we first started on our journey, the travel would have been much smoother. Celibacy Is For Fools The only way to adequately describe ``it`` is by calling it ``the big IT.`` The world loves to talk about ``it.`` Hollywood consistently unleashes movies filled with ``it.`` Kids (just like I did) snicker and joke about ``it`` on playgrounds and in school hallways. Parents become uncomfortable even considering when might be the appropriate time to bring ``it`` up to their growing, pre-pubescent children who are constantly being sent a myriad of messages about ``it.`` The ``it,`` of course, is the s-word. You know: s-e-x. A couple of years ago, I had a teenager say to me as I was observing his Sunday school class, ``Pastor Noble, in this class we always talk about the devil and temptation, especially drugs and alcohol. But when is our teacher going to talk to us about, um, you know, sex? I've asked, but Bro. Sunday-School-Teacher doesn't want to deal with it. And, in my opinion, that's the big one. Yeah, sex is the big one. Since he doesn't want to talk to us about it, is there a book you could recommend that we read on our own?`` Enter the author of this book and my long-time friend, John Adolph. John understands very well that age-old assumptions a