Murales Rebeldes!: L.A. Chicana/Chicano Murals Under Siege, Hardcover
The Chicano Civil Rights Movement (El Movimiento) of the 1960s and 1970s protested the social, political, and educational inequalities in Mexican American communities across the country, primarily in the Southwest. Chicana/Chicano muralists also took to the streetswith their artcreating works that expressed cultural pride, embodied political activism, and challenged the status quo. On walls of city buildings, housing projects, schools, and other community structures, they painted their interpretations of Chicana/o heritage and identity. In Los Angeles and its environs, Chicana/o murals reinvigorated and transformed communities, expanding into new genres and locations. Murales Rebeldes : L. A. Chicana/Chicano Murals under Siege is a co-publication of LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes and the California Historical Society.