Out on a Limb, Paperback
You have made the decision to become a missionary, being willing to go where the Lord leads you and share the Gospel of Jesus with others. However, that decision can be the easy part of becoming a missionary. Living as a missionary in the land God has shown you can be more daunting and difficult, at times, than you realise. Author Janet Dallman has been involved in missions since she was the child of missionary parents in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. She knows firsthand the triumphs, struggles and opportunities for growth that occur during a missionary's life. Unlike other devotional guides, Janet has designed this book, Out on a Limb-A Devotional Guide for Missionaries, to cater specifically to the experiences of new (and seasoned) missionaries. The book is divided into eight sections that include physical, spiritual, emotional, cultural and family challenges, among others. Each devotion consists of a real-life story and the application of biblical truth. An Interact section follows to encourage readers to implement the lessons in their own situations, concluding with a prayer. Some devotions delve into mission work through Janet's eyes from her memories of being a missionary kid in Africa, while others spring from partnering with her husband in mission work in Japan. Janet has also served in the United Kingdom (she is a UK citizen) and Senegal. Out on a Limb offers readers valuable insight and advice to encourage them on their journeys of faith. Although readers may sometimes feel that they are 'out on a limb' in a new land, this book will help them live fruitful lives where God has placed them. Janet Dallman was born to missionary parents in the Democratic Republic of the Congo but returned to the UK for schooling. After working in London for a few years, she worked with Wycliffe Bible Translators for a short period before attending the London School of Theology. Since 1998, Janet has worked in Sapporo, northern Japan with OMF International. She has been