Do I Have to Give Up Me to Be Loved by God', Paperback
A Powerful Process to Connect with the Divine Whether you think of God as a nebulous entity who exists only for other people, or you are a religious person hoping to deepen your faith, this groundbreaking book will guide you in developing and strengthening a personal relationship with a Higher Power. ``I have met people who have DEGREESopened themselves to God with their whole hearts, but they still do not know how to personally experience God,`` explains author Margaret Paul, Ph. D., who has helped countless individuals fill their spiritual emptiness that left them anxious, depressed or feeling ``stuck`` in relationships or careers. Dr. Paul shows readers how to relinquish earthly love, which focuses on getting, and to embrace spiritual love, which focuses on giving. By so doing, readers will connect with the Divine by discover-ing their true creative, intelligent and forgiving self. Readers will explore their resistance to God; break down false beliefs about religion; eliminate the need to control God; heal self-destructive or addictive behaviors; and wel-come more love into their life. Most importantly, they will learn how to use spiritual power instead of power over others to manifest their dreams.