Heaven, Hardcover
Ellen White's choicest writings about heaven and the Second Coming Some of Ellen White's earliest visions contained bright glimpses of heaven and the earth made new. When she came out of vision, this world seemed dark and lonely compared with the brilliant beauty of the world to come which she had seen so vividly. And she often struggled to find the words to describe what she had been shown in vision. This brand-new compilation for the Christian Home Library gathers the choicest statements and descriptions she has given through the years of heaven--the future home of the redeemed. Here you will find not only descriptions of the glories that await, but insights into the activities of the redeemed, the certainty of Jesus' coming to take us home, the end of evil, and how heaven can begin in our lives even now. This book will make you homesick for a home you haven't been to--yet. Also available in Spanish.