More Literature Circles: Cooperative Learning for Grades 3-8, Paperback
Help students expand critical thinking and research skills while they learn to work as a team. Featuring 38 novels and 5 picture books, this title offers everything you need to effectively improve your literature-based learning program and make reading fun and exciting. From detailed instructions on how to teach literature circles, to reproducible worksheets and complete lesson plans, you will find this is a versatile resource adaptable to any teaching style. Each title centers on a particular concept (i. e., imagination, discovery, justice and freedom, empathy, and courage and survival) allowing students to explore an idea critically and answer an author-suggested Essential Question. For each novel, a list of vocabulary items is provided along with discussion starters, activities, and writing assignments based on the text, ensuring that students gain a thorough understanding of the content area. A must-have for public and private school teachers, homeschoolers, and parents Grades 3-8.