Raw: Inner Workings of a Reawakened Soul, Paperback
Sometimes you need a good friend and a cup of joe to hammer out the tough questions in life. When emotions heighten and circumstances shift, it's hard to know where your faith fits in. Like chatting it up with a close friend, RAW invites readers to process through the tough questions in life. Why do good people suffer? Is the church still relevant? Why am I stuck in life? Covering a variety of theological topics in a simplified, conversational manner, the book encourages the reader to find value in vulnerability, strip away religiosity and become RAW with their deepest emotions. RAW applies theological truths to evaluate life circumstances through the lens of scripture. Using true stories and contemplative processing, the reader journeys with the author through a variety of life experiences and nagging questions. The reader is encouraged to move beyond superficial Christianity, address darkness in their heart and embrace transforming peace. Those tethered by haunting doubt, fear or uncertainty, will find answers that propel them to powerful Christ-centered living.