From Humdrum to Holy: A Step-By-Step Guide to Living Like a Saint, Paperback
Do you attend Mass out of love rather than obligation? Are you closer to God now than you were a year ago? Are you able to keep a consistent prayer life? If you answered ""no"" to any of these questions, your spiritual life needs a jump-start. In Humdrum to Holy, popular priest and radio host, Fr. Ed Broom, will stir in you a holy reverence and spiritual joy that'll point your soul to heaven. By following the wise counsel of this experienced spiritual advisor and confessor, you'll first learn how to identify your ""kryptonite"" those hidden sins in your life that keep God from working in your soul. Fr. Ed will walk you through the simple steps to creating a plan of life your roadmap to the heights of holiness. In a clear, methodical, and practical way, you'll learn how to cultivate virtues like patience and purity virtues that are difficult to attain but essential for happiness in this life and getting into heaven in the next