The Strong Leader's Hand: 6 Essential Elements Every Leader Must Master, Paperback
``This is the finest work on leadership I have read. Anyone can follow the 'Hand example' and find an opportunity for successful leadership within Thumbs up.`` --Lou Zemek ∗ ∗ ∗ ``Readers will be compelled to action `` --Karen Kuhla, Executive Director, Thayer Leader Development Group at West Point ∗ ∗ ∗ ``This book should be required reading at not only places like West Point and Command and General Staff but also in MBA programs and by executives in business and nonprofits.`` --Joe W. ∗ ∗ ∗ ``This is a spectacular leadership book filled with inspirational wisdom towards strategic leadership investment. I guarantee you'll love this intellectual and stimulating leadership/followership book `` --Dr. Irene M. Zoppi Rodriguez, Colonel, U. S. Army (Reserve) ∗ ∗ ∗ ``The illustration of the hand being the vision, teamwork the thumb, character the index finger, attitude the middle finger, conduct the ring finger, and wisdom the little finger will probably stick with me the rest of my life.`` --Liberty University Student ∗ ∗ ∗ ``Major General York defines and explains key leadership traits and illustrates them with stories. He provides a solid basis for helping our students become leaders who are difference makers.`` --Colonel James Molloy, USAF Retired, Dean of Liberty University School of Aeronautics