Kabbalah and the 22 Paths of Healing, Paperback
It has been noted for centuries that the healing potential of Kabbalistic principles face disease and establish the interconnection between body organs, emotions, and spiritual well-being. Now you can use that knowledge to improve your own psyche and physical and spiritual condition. With 33 beautiful Hebrew letter cards and a comprehensive guide that offers a holistic approach to healing, evolution, therapeutic healing, and transformation, find the insight via 22 healing paths to your own psychological freedom. Additionally, because each letter in the Hebrew alphabet considers the aspects of sound, a CD providing specialized music to use during therapeutic sessions is included and opens with the correct pronunciation of the Divine Names of the Sephiroth of the Tree of Life. This all-inclusive compilation can be used as a transformative tool during difficult times and provides effective healing power and self-awareness. Includes cards, book & CD.