What's God Really Like: Unique Insights Into His Fascinating Personality, Paperback
God loves to be sought after And it's the exploration of the mysteries of who He really is that will not only create in you a holy curiosity and awe, but will also combat boredom in your life. There is nothing you can experience that is more invigorating than having God reveal Himself to you. -- S. J. Hill Bring your Bible and sit down to explore; get to know what God is really like The way we think of God will impact our experience and our ability to live a fulfilling Christian life. The way a teacher thinks and teaches about God can be either helpful or very destructive to those he or she teaches. Pastor and teacher S. J. Hill is deeply conscious of this critical topic and has spent years studying it and writing about it. He believes that understanding our loving, rejoicing, creating, and relating God is critical to our spiritual lives and our witness. Using scripture, history, and his own experience he lays out a view of a God who loves and nurtures. This is not a God who is weak and wishy-washy, but rather a God whose love and grace lead us and empower us to live holier lives. Imagine what could happen in our churches if we gave witness to a God such as this