Growing Global Digital Citizens: Better Practices That Build Better Learners, Paperback
This practical guide explores how to transform education through the concept of global digital citizenship (GDC). Embraced by thousands of schools, global digital citizenship practices empower students to effectively and ethically participate in and contribute to the digital world around them. The authors provide a clear path for establishing a global digital citizenship program in your school and give guidance on how K-12 teachers and administrators can grow global citizens who are respectful and responsible critical thinkers equipped with the 21st century skills necessary for an interconnected world. This global digital citizenship guidebook will allow you to: Discover the characteristics and 21st century skills of global digital citizens and what these citizens stand for. Consider the limitations of conventional acceptable use policies and instead embrace ethically driven digital citizenship agreements. Learn how to address the various stakeholder communities involved in developing students into global digital citizens. Use tools, rubrics, and resources for gauging the effectiveness and progress of your global digital citizenship practices. Review digital citizenship agreements for students at the elementary, middle, and high school levels, as well as for professionals and the wider community. Contents: About the Authors Introduction Chapter 1: Evaluating Your Acceptable Use Policy Chapter 2: Uniting Digital Citizenship and Global Citizenship Chapter 3: Crafting Digital Citizenship Guidelines Chapter 4: Developing the Teaching Community Chapter 5: Developing the Student Community Chapter 6: Developing the Wider Community Chapter 7: Growing Global Digital Citizenship Appendix A: Global Digital Citizenship Mindful Moments Appendix B: Activity Cards Appendix C: Digital Citizenship Agreements References and Resources Index