Ati Teas Practice Tests Version 6: 600 Test Prep Questions for the Teas 6 Exam, Paperback
Written and reviewed by ATI TEAS 6 tutor John Fletcher, M. D.Get some serious TEAS practice in before the TEAS test with the TEAS workbook from Trellis Test Prep Our ATI TEAS guide contains 600 TEAS review questions and answers that are organized in a sequence of increasing difficulty to seriously test your knowledge of science, mathematics, and English with basic, intermediate, and advanced TEAS review questions and answers. Practice tests are crucially important to any TEAS test prep program, and they remain one of the best ways to prepare for the TEAS 6 test. Whether you're just starting your studies or are almost finished, it's extremely beneficial to work through practice questions that simulate the actual TEAS 6 exam. Designed to be used as a stand-alone practice book or supplemental study guide, our TEAS review manual has been fully updated by our team of experts for the new TEAS version 6 test.