King James Life in the Spirit Study Bible: Formerly Full Life Study, Hardcover
Discover the Biblical Foundations of Life in the Spirit The Life in the Spirit Study Bible will help guide you into a Christ-centered, righteous and Spirit-led lifestyle. Previously titled the Full Life Study Bible, this new edition includes updated and expanded notes, a new word study feature, and a new interior to meet the needs of Spirit-filled Christians today. In a culture that requires believers to depend strongly on God and his Word, this Bible will help you cultivate a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and the person of the Holy Spirit as the source of the Church's power. Features include: Themefinders--12 icons located by Scripture passages tell at a glance which theme a given passage addresses. Themes include: Baptized in/Filled with the Holy Spirit, Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Fruit of the Holy Spirit, Healing, Salvation, Witnessing and more. Study Notes--Updated and expanded, extensive notes offer insights that help you understand and apply the Scriptures. Articles--77 articles address a wide variety of topics surrounding life in the Spirit. Word Studies--This brand-new feature sheds light on the meanings of key words in their original Greek and Hebrew contexts. Charts--5 custom-designed mega-charts visually portray ""Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in Christ,"" ""The Kingdom of God Versus the Kingdom of Satan,"" ""The Gifts of the Holy Spirit,"" ""The Work of the Holy Spirit,"" and ""The Last Days of History."" Plus--Book introductions/In-text maps and charts/Full-color map section/Concordance/Words of Christ in red/Subject and Themefinder indexes/Reading plan/Tables of contents for articles, maps and charts Wonderful as it is to be saved for all eternity, we also long to walk with the Lord today. We want to hear his voice, know his heart, receive his gifts, and participate in what he is doing. We desire what the early church had that Jesus promised would be ours as well: lives lived in the intimacy, vision and power of his Spirit. Based on the common underp