Postal Exam Book: For Test 473 and 473-C, Paperback
Comprehensive Prep for the Postal Exams, Test 473 and 473-C. This book provides information on postal exams, benefits and hiring procedures: Explanation of the Federal Employees Retirement System. Sample tests and helpful study information for Test 473 and Test 473-C. Nine sample tests for Address Checking, 5 sample tests for Forms Completion and 7 sample tests for Coding and Memory. Strategies for getting a high score. Learn how to find and how to apply for postal jobs through the Internet. The new positions PSE (from 2011) and CCA (from 2013) are explained. There is an explanation about to take the test by computer. The author scored 100% on the Postal Exams six times. The Author has operated the Postal Entrance Exams School for 18 years in Los Angeles, California.