The Book of Women: Celebrating the Female Spirit, Paperback
``The woman should search into her own soul for her own potential and develop it, and she will have a beautiful future.`` --Osho In The Book of Women, Osho explores the role of women in our society. Up until now, he says, both religious institutions and politics have remained male-dominated -- not only male-dominated but male-chauvinistic. This has created so many of the crises that we see in the world now, brought about by excesses of ambition, competitiveness, and greed. In these pages, Osho challenges readers to reclaim and assert the feminine qualities of love, joy, and celebration to bring a reunion of the intellect and the heart, that is so desperately needed now. Osho looks to the female spirit in all of us as a way to nurture the soul and cultivate a healthy relationship with spirituality.