Women Who Launch: The Women Who Shattered Glass Ceilings, Paperback
Dorothy Parker observed, ``It's a man's world;`` the ladies profiled in Women Who Launch would beg to differ. Unlike the matrons of the 1950s-the women who lunched-these kick-ass females left their DNA in the annals of time. Julia Ward-Howe showed what's good for the goose is good for the gander when she created the Girl Scouts of America. Sara Joseph Hale-authoress of Mary had a Little Lamb- convinced Lincoln to launch a national day of thanks while Anna Jarvis persuaded President Wilson to initiate a day in tribute of mothers. The tradition of these Mothers of Invention continued when, compliments of knitter Krista Suh, the heads of millions were adorned with pink, pussy-cat ears. These women who launched prove-in the words of Rosie the Riveter, ``We can do it