Soar!: Build Your Vision from the Ground Up, Hardcover
If you long to maximize your unique abilities and aptitudes, if you strive to combine personal fulfillment with professional satisfaction, if you dream of creating exceptional goods and offering transformative services for others, then you are ready to SOAR. Many of us aren't designed for the nine-to-five grind that stifles our souls and flattens the tires of where we hoped to go with our lives. Others have settled for what they had to become due to massive responsibility. Both sit on the runway of opportunity with the engine of passion stalled, watching others escalate into the orbit of their dreams and build legacy for their children. In SOARTAKING YOUR ENTREPRENEURIAL PASSION TO THE NEXT LEVEL, T. D. Jakes-iconic communicator, entertainment impresario, and master entrepreneur-reveals how to transform the latent dreams within each of us into the reality of our unique contribution to the world. Blending the practical business acumen of a successful, global CEO with the dynamic inspiration of a life coach, SOAR provides the tools needed to ignite our imaginations into action. Bridging both the corporate and non-profit worlds, SOAR challenges us to embrace our divine purpose as we align our character and creativity with our careers. SOAR is the perfect flight plan for launching the entrepreneurial drive inside each of us. So buckle your seatbelts and prepare for lift off-you have been cleared to fly beyond your fears, to absolutely SOAR