Edward S. Curtis Portraits: The Many Faces of the Native American, Hardcover
In 1906 J. P. Morgan commissioned Edward S. Curtis to produce a series of books depicting Native American life. Curtis' goal was to now just photograph, but to document as much of traditional Native life as possible before disappeared. During his project, Curtis made over 10, 000 wax cylinder recordings of Native languages and music, and took over 40, 000 photographs of peoples from over eighty tribes. He recorded tribal lore and history, and he described traditional foods, housing, garments, recreation, ceremonies, and funeral customs. He wrote biographical sketches of tribal leaders, and his material, in most cases, is the only recorded history of these amazing peoples. Curtis had a remarkable knack for portraiture. His skill at capturing the intensity of his subjects, the grim reality of their surroundings, and the unquenchable spirit of the people was second to none. From Alaska to Mexico, Edward S. Curtis Portraits: The Many Face of the Native American features over 250 portraits in a compact volume.