Loving a Leaping Butterfly: A True Story, Paperback
Would you be able to recognize the symptoms of a genetic chromosomal condition that affects one in every 2, 500 female births? Would you know enough about the condition to inform others? Information was not as available in the past, often leaving a non-informed mother to have no other option than to shove the issue in a closet of denial and lock the door to keep the unknown at bay. Frustrated with little known facts and a support system can leave a family to move on in life and not spend needless time in worry. After all, it was mostly seen as a cosmetic inconvenience rather than a major health concern. So what if some people are short. Loving a Leaping Butterfly invites you into the relationship between a mother and daughter affected by issues related to Turner syndrome as they traveled many times in the dark with little information. Discover how the condition can have a ripple effect on other family members as well. Loving a Leaping Butterfly will take you from the cradle to the grave with a story that can make a grown man cry. Journey with them through the ups and downs of life and experience how God uses times of trials, tribulation, wrong decisions, and great pain to minister to others in a way that is unique. Witness how nothing is an accident with a sovereign God who is the creator of every human life. Enjoy the victory of what is being done today to crush the ignorance of Turner syndrome and those who are dedicated to creating awareness and providing a global support system. What is it that makes many so passionate to provide a world for this and the generations to come? You will fall in love with those who are affected by this condition by seeing the world through their eyes as you discover how they are able to pollinate with the attraction to ultra violet colors of the world. Accept that their sense of urgency is not the same as those that take life for granted.