The Healthy Small Church: Diagnosis and Treatment for the Big Issues, Paperback
Small churches can be found in every denomination and among every ethnic group but often these churches struggle to survive in the shadow of the larger churches around them. And many of these churches are afflicted with unhealthy issues such as feelings of unimportance, a lack of vision, exclusivity, limited resources, and unbalanced leadership. It is because of these aliments that many churches fail to survive. But it is possible for an unhealthy church to become a healthy church capable of experiencing growth--both physically and spiritually. In his new book, The Healthy Small Church, small church pastor Dennis Bickers diagnoses the issues that threaten the life of the smaller church and prescribes practical remedies for treating these issues. He reminds churches that transformation and healing are never easy but always worth it. He emphasizes that to maintain a healthy church one must be aware of the symptoms and act accordingly to prevent new problems from arising. The Healthy Small Church offers pastors and church leaders a great diagnostic tool for small churches that want to be healthy and stay that way. It includes a number of diagnostic questions at the end of the book that they can use to determine the health of their church. Become a healthy church that: Has a positive self-image Shares a common vision that creates a sense of purpose and unity Maintains community while still warmly welcoming new visitors Practices the importance of faithful stewardship and financial support Understands ministry to be the responsibility of all the members of the church Encourages everyone to serve according to his or her spiritual gifts--not by seniority or guilt