These Are Our Bodies, Foundational Booklet: Talking Faith & Sexuality at Church & Home, Paperback
Easily accessible, theologically progressive, mainline Christian Education resource on human sexuality - The Foundation Book for the These Are Our Bodies program various age level modules (Middle School, High School, children, etc.) - Why the church needs to work with children and youth on human sexuality in partnership with families These Are Our Bodies offers practical information, developmental material, and suggestions on how to ask and answer questions, all in the context of our faith as Christians, particularly as Episcopalians. These Are our Bodies was created in response to the need of The Episcopal Church for program resources to help young people explore sexuality in the context of a faith community. The These Are Our Bodies Program consists of a Foundation Book (recommended for facilitators, small group leaders, and parents if the program is being used in a congregation, school, or other setting) and age level program modules that each include a Leader Guide (for each facilitator and small group leader), a Participant Book (for each participant) and a Parent Book (for each parent or caregiver of the participant). Our inherent value and worth comes from God's love for us, but our modern world is filled with sexual expression that too often leads us away from the life of Christ. As Christians seeking to live a life worthy of our calling and desiring to pass along these values to our children and youth, this book explores how we (as parents and adults) can explore issues of sexuality in the context of our faith. Grounded theologically, foundational issues are addressed for how we (and why we) are called to have these conversations within a faith community as well as to support families in their role as primary educators of their children and teens. The importance of looking at one's sexuality throughout the lifespan through the lenses of decision making, faith and daily life, respect, growth and change, behavior, responsibility, values, prayer, and intention