25 Great Jazz Piano Solos: Transcriptions Lessons BIOS Photos, Hardcover
(Piano Instruction). From Duke Ellington, to Chick Corea, Bill Evans, Oscar Peterson and many others, take a look at the genesis of jazz piano. This book with audio provides solo transcriptions in standard notation, lessons on how to play them, biographies, instrument information, photos, history, and more. The accompanying audio contains full-band demo tracks and accompaniment-only tracks for every piano solo in the book. Songs include: All of You Caravan Freddie Freeloader Have You Met Miss Jones? I Fall in Love Too Easily If I Were a Bell In Walked Bud Night and Day Slings & Arrows West Coast Blues and more. The audio tracks are accessed online using the unique code inside each book. They can be downloaded or streamed according to personal preference and feature PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right available exclusively from Hal Leonard.