Christianity at War, the Manifesto for Christian Militancy, Hardcover
Chritianity has been at war since the beginning of humanity's existence. We will be entering the war that will end all wars, the final struggle between Christendom and the empire of Anti Christ. But now the world is enslaved by indifferentism, materialism, and carelessness for teh faith. The book is here to put an end to this indifferentism, and to prepare the soul for the batte over Christendom. This book is the first of its kind, an original and groundbreaking study that shows that the essence and core of Christianity is warfare. It is the guide on the militant spirit of Christianity. For decades the Western world has been brainwashed into believing in an empty, superficial and materialistic Christianity from the modern church industry. After reading this book, you will never see Christianity the same again. It is a book unlike any other. You will not only see the Faith, but the world, differently. Mankind is about to enter the bloodiest war in its history, between Christendon, headed by Christ, and in its history, between Christendom, headed by Christ, and a revived Islamic empire, headed by the Antichrist. Read this book today and prepare your mind and your soul for the great that is to come.