Hacking the Writing Workshop: Redesign with Making in Mind, Paperback
Writing Workshop Is More Than Just Writing Agility matters. This is what Angela Stockman learned when she left the classroom over a decade ago to begin supporting young writers and their teachers in schools. What she learned transformed her practice and led to the publication of her primer on this topic: Make Writing: 5 Teaching Strategies that Turn Writer's Workshop Into a Maker Space. Now, Angela is back with more stories from the road and plenty of new thinking to share. Print Creates Barriers for Talented Writers As K-12 programs push for proficiency, the world continues to demand something different. Something more. ""Writing is bigger than print today,"" Angela says. ""When we diminish it, we diminish writers, too.""Redesign with Making in Mind In Make Writing, Angela Stockman upended the traditional writing workshop by combining it with the popular ideas that drive the maker space. Now, she is expanding her concepts and strategies and breaking new ground in Hacking the Writing Workshop. In this easy-to-read-and-implement guide for all teachers of reading, writing, and making, Angela provides: Curriculum frameworks that bring students to the drawing board Firestarters that ignite even the most print-resistant kids Agility building strategies that integrate making and writing and invite loose parts play Assessment protocols and tools Supplemental resources for each Hack, accessed through QR codes Ready to redesign your writer's workshop? Grab Hacking the Writing Workshop now and show your students that writing is bigger than print.