Discipleship by Design, Paperback
As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 'Come, follow me, ' Jesus said, 'and I will make you fishers of men.' The relationship between Jesus and these brothers started with the simple words, Come, follow me. In essence, a disciple of Jesus is a follower. Eventually, Jesus' twelve followers will change the world. However, it is an inconspicuous and unremarkable beginning for an eventual team of world-changers, don't you think? How will an assortment of unschooled, ordinary men be transformed into courageous and substantive heralds in just three short years? Transformation, complete and deep-seated transformation, is the answer. How does a total metamorphosis take place within a new follower? Jesus' discipleship begins with a personal relationship and an invitation to join a missional community. Before followership is a program it is a leadership development process experienced within a culture. This book seeks to initiate a dialogue on how to foster a culture of discipleship. No program can fulfill The Great Commission. However, a community of believers committed to transforming the world through the process of disciple-making can. Harvey A. Herman is a missionary serving university students. Over the previous three decades he pioneered five campus groups, pastored a university church in Seattle, and served on the national staff of Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship. Presently, he serves as area director over the Northeast. His doctorate is in strategic leadership and organizational management.