Real Marriage: The Truth about Sex, Friendship, & Life Together, Paperback
You planned for the first day of your marriage... Are you planning for the last? While a wonderful wedding day is important, it's the last day of marriage that really counts. Will the last day of your marriage come prematurely through divorce? Will it be filled with regrets as you sit at the funeral of your spouse? Or, by God's grace, will the last day be a day to rejoice in the life you lived together?Pastor Mark Driscoll and his wife, Grace, want you to finish well on the last day. Through their book Real Marriage and the eleven-week DVD-based study they share practical help and hope with people just like them--who entered marriage a complete mess--or who are planning to be married someday and want to avoid some sticky pitfalls in the future. A companion to the Real Marriage DVD-Based Study Kit, this guide is uniquely designed for small groups, couples, and those who are considering marriage. Each session in the Participant's Guide provides engaging group study questions and essential homework for husbands, wives, and singles alike. Together you, your spouse, and your small group will tackle the tough issues such as friendship with your spouse, pornography and sexual assault, submission and respect, and sexual intimacy in marriage. God desires for your marriage to be full of joy and happiness as it glorifies His Son. Jesus makes such marriage possible through His death and resurrection. The Real Marriage Participant's Guide includes: Eleven sessions Homework specially designed for husbands, wives, and singles Guides for conversations with your spouse Ideas for date nights Notes for small group leaders Intended for use with the Real Marriage DVD-Based Study Kit (ISBN: 978-1-4185-5040-0) and the trade book Real Marriage