Sinning Like a Christian: A New Look at the 7 Deadly Sins, Paperback
The seven deadly sins are a well-known topic, but, surprisingly, not much has been written about them in recent years from a serious theological viewpoint. Will Willimon's engaging book, which takes an unflinching look at the meaning and substance of sin, will be of great interest to Christians. Study questions by the author are included. The ``felt need`` is an increasing dissatisfaction with shallow, feel-good Christianity--which does not attempt to grapple with our propensity, visible around us and in our own lives, to do evil. This edition includes a new introduction by the author. A recent study by the Pulpit and Pew Research Center found that Will Willimon is one of the most widely read authors among mainline Protestant pastors, and an international survey conducted by Baylor University named him one of the Twelve Most Effective Preachers in the English-speaking world. With over a million copies of more than sixty books sold, his popularity is undeniable.