Ammo & Ballistics 6: For Hunters, Shooters, and Collectors, Paperback
The entirely updated and revised Ammo & Ballistics 6 is now available and is better than ever Ammo & Ballistics 6 contains data and illustrations on virtually every sporting cartridge sold in the USA. Besides clear and concise writing that clarifies the complexities of ballistic coefficients and energy versus momentum, this revised edition covers 200-plus calibers . . . from the .17 Mach 2 to the .700 Nitro Express. It contains information on rifle and handgun calibers, and it covers manufacturers, bullet weights, types, and construction. In addition, each caliber has an exact technical drawing with all dimensions and angles. There are over 3, 000 tables with ballistic data for every caliber and every load for all commercially loaded hunting ammunition sold in the United States. Tables include velocity, energy, wind drift, bullet drop, and ballistic coefficients up to 1, 000 yards. Manufacturers include A-Square, Aguila, ATK, Black Hills, CCI/Speer, Cor-Bon Bullet, Dakota Arms, Eley Ltd., Federal Cartridge, Fiocchi, Hirtenberger, Hornady, Patria Lapua Oy, Lazzeroni, Kynoch (Kynamco Ltd.), Mag Tech, Norma, Nosler, Inc., PMC (Eldorado Cartridge Corp.), Remington, Dynamit (Nobel-RWS Inc.), Sellier and Bellot, Ultramax, Weatherby, and Winchester. If you want to know where you will be hitting at long distances, this is the book for you. This book is, quite literally, indispensable for the hunter or shooter.