The Platform Sutra: The Zen Teaching of Hui-Neng, Paperback
The Platform Sutra occupies a central place in Zen (Ch'an) Buddhist instruction for students and spiritual seekers worldwide. It is often linked with The Heart Sutra and The Diamond Sutra to form a trio of texts that have been revered and studied for centuries. However, unlike the other sutras, which transcribe the teachings of the Buddha himself, The Platform Sutra presents the life and work of Hui-neng, the controversial sixth patriarch of Zen, and his understanding of the fundamentals of a spiritual and practical life. Hui-neng's instruction still matters--the seventh-century school of Direct Awakening that he founded flourishes today, continuing to influence the Rinzai and Soto schools of contemporary Zen. Red Pine offers a sensitive, straightforward, and solid translation of this vital Buddhist text. His remarkable insight and commentary provide a guiding hand for seekers and students alike in their quest for dharma.