People of the Passion, Paperback
Threshold Bible Study is a thematic Scripture series designed for both personal study and group discussion. This is that rare kind of series that will help you cross an elusive threshold - using the bible effectively for prayer and spiritual enrichment. This user-friendly series will enhance your personal or group Bible study. Guaranteed to make your love of Scripture grow- Ronald D. Witherup, S. S., author of the Bible Companion. About People of the Passion Suffering seems to bring out the best and the worst in our human nature. Some people are overcome with hopelessness that leads to despair; others are filled with courage that leads to heroism. Still others exhibit a wide rangs of responses that reveal their character: trust, generosity, steadfastness, cowardice, greed, and pride. The people of the passion in this book are the characters who participated in some dramatic way in the sufferng and death of Jesus. Well-known characters include Peter, Pilate, and Mary Magdalen; lesson-known include Simon of Cyrene, the daughters of Jerusalem, and the woman who anointed Jesus.