One Child, Two Languages: A Guide for Early Childhood Educators of Children Learning English as a Second Language 'With CDROM', Paperback
Today's early childhood educators are serving more children learning English as a second language than ever--in Head Start alone, nearly 30% of the children speak a language other than English at home. To support second language learners and put them on the path to academic success, every teacher needs this popular, practical, and highly readable guidebook. Reflecting 10 years of dramatic change in early education--especially in critical areas like assessment and cultural diversity--the second edition of this bestseller gives teachers up-to-date research, usable information, and essential tools to meet the needs of second language learners in today's learning environments. Leading researcher Patton Tabors equips teachers with the foundation of knowledge they need to apply cutting-edge research to their everyday teaching practicesaddress NAEYC's recommendations for responding to linguistic and cultural diversityuse appropriate assessment techniques for children's first and second language, including an easy-to-use observation checklist (on the CD-ROM) to monitor children's English language learning over timediscover ways to improve literacy instruction for all children, including literacy practices checklists (on the CD-ROM) that pinpoint areas needing curriculum supportunderstand and attend to the particular needs of internationally adopted childrenconduct thought-provoking professional discussions with the book-club-ready study guide and materials (on the CD-ROM) Teachers will also get updates on all the key topics covered in the first edition, including working with parents, understanding the process of second-language acquisition, and using the curriculum and classroom organization to facilitate English language and literacy learning. Ideal for professional development, this book is the best tool a teacher can have to support the language and literacy development and school success of second language learners while honoring their home languages and cultures. English