Teaching the Pronunciation of English: Focus on Whole Courses, Paperback
This volume fills a gap by introducing readers to whole courses focused on teaching the pronunciation of English as a second, foreign, or international language. This collection is designed to support more effective pronunciation teaching in as many language classrooms in as many different parts of the world as possible and to serve as a core text in an ESOL teacher development course dedicated to preparing pronunciation teachers. Teaching the Pronunciation of English illustrates that pronunciation teaching is compatible with communicative, task-based, post-method, and technology-mediated approaches to language teaching. This theme permeates the volume as a whole and is well represented in Chapters 3-12, which are dedicated to specialist-teachers' firsthand depictions of pronunciation-centered courses. Each of these ten chapters features a set of innovative teaching strategies and contemporary course design structures developed by the chapter contributor(s). To prepare readers to more fully appreciate the substance and quality of Chapters 3-12, the volume's two initial chapters are more foundational. Chapters 1 and 2 provide an overview of core topics language teachers need to know about to become pronunciation teachers: the suprasegmentals (thought groups, prominence, word stress, intonation, and pitch jumps) and the English consonants and vowel sounds.