Singer's Musical Theatre Anthology
(Vocal Collection). The world's most trusted source for great theatre literature for singing actors. The recordings include piano accompaniments. The book features authentic editions of each song in the original keys. The songs have been carefully chosen for each voice type and are culled from a wide selection of classic and contemporary shows. Contents: ANNIE GET YOUR GUN: You Can't Get a Man With a Gun, They Say It's Wonderful THE APPLE TREE: Gorgeous BEAUTY AND THE BEAST: A Change in Me CABARET: So What?, Mein Herr, Maybe This Time CHICAGO: Class, When You're Good to Mama A CHORUS LINE: Nothing COMPANY: The Ladies Who Lunch COWGIRLS: Heads or Tails, Don't Call Me Trailer Trash DO RE MI: Adventure FOLLIES: Ah, But Underneath, Uptown, Downtown FOOTLOOSE: Can You Find It in Your Heart? FUNNY GIRL: Don't Rain on My Parade GIRL CRAZY: But Not for Me GYPSY: Everything's Coming Up Roses, Rose's Turn I CAN GET IT FOR YOU WHOLESALE: Miss Marmelstein I LOVE YOU, YOU'RE PERFECT, NOW CHANGE: Always a Bridesmaid IS THERE LIFE AFTER HIGH SCHOOL?: Nothing Really Happened JEKYLL & HYDE: Someone Like You, A New Life LEAVE IT TO ME: My Heart Belongs to Daddy MISS SAIGON: I'd Give My Life for You PARADE: My Child Will Forgive Me, You Don't Know This Man RUTHLESS: Teaching Third Grade ST. LOUIS WOMAN: I Had Myself a True Love SIDE SHOW: Who Will Love Me As I Am? SONG AND DANCE: Let Me Finish, Third Letter Home SONGS FOR A NEW WORLD: Stars and the Moon SOUTH PACIFIC: Honey Bun SUNSET BOULEVARD: As If We Never Said Goodbye, With One Look WORKING: Just a Housewife YOU'RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE BROWN: My New Philosophy