Meditations with Meister Eckhart, Paperback
Meister Eckhart was a 13th-century mystic, prophet, feminist, declared heretic, and an early advocate of creation-centered spirituality. This tradition affirms humanity's potential to act divinely, and it embraces life--living and dying, growing old and sinning, groaning and celebrating--as the creative energy of God in motion. For Eckhart, to be spiritual is to be awake and alive; creation itself was for him the primary sacrament that begins from ""the spring of life"" or the heart. Eckhart's pathway and that of the creation tradition is a simple way. It demands no gurus, no fanciful methods, no protracted exercises or retreats. This is why he called it a ""wayless way"" that is available to everyone, and why he points out that the person ""who has found this way needs no other.""