60 Progressive Piano Pieces You Like to Play, Paperback
Contributor(s):Created by: Hal Leonard Corp(Piano Collection). Contents: Brahms: Cardle Song, Waltz in Ao, Op. 39, No. 15 J. S. Bach: Minuet, Prelude in C Beethoven: Fur Elise, Minuet in G, Sonatina No. 1 in G, Sonatina No. 2 in F Schumann: The Merry Farmer, Soldiers' March, The Wild Horseman Schubert: Serenade Mendelssohn: Venetian Boat-Song No. 2 Tchaikovsky: Christmas (""December"" from The Seasons, Op. 37a, No. 12), None But the Lonely Heart Haydn: Gypsy Rondo, Minuetto Giocoso Case: Around the Hills Godard: Au Matin, Op. 83; Second Mazurka in Bo, Op. 54 Heller: L'Avalanche (Etude) Offenbach: Barcarolle Ijinsky: Berceuse (Lullaby) Strauss: Blue Danube Waltz Wagner: Bridal Chorus (Lohengrin) Bilbro: The Busy Sawmill Merkel: Butterfly, Op. 81, No. 4 Richter: The Clock Thompson: Copy Cat Benda: Dark Eyes (Russian Folk Song) Lively: Dreamland Grieg: Elfin Dance Bender: From a Birch Canoe Davis: Indian Drum Behr: In May, In the Gypsy Camp Wright: Melody, Waltz, Veil Dance Mozart: Minuet No. 1 Hopson: Parade of the Midgets Fisher: Pipes of Pan Delibes: Pizzicati (Sylvia) Chopin: Preludes, Op. 28, Nos. 6 and 7 Kolling: Prestissimo (from Flying Leaves, Op. 147) Howell: Rustic Dance Thome: Simple Aveu Munn: The Snake Charmer Clementi: Sonatina, Op. 26, No. 1 Ellmenreich: Spinning Song Eckstein: Spooks Adler: The Swimming Pool, Two Butterflies Harker: Swinging in Fairyland Rameau: Le Tambourin Beaumont: Tarantella Paradies: Toccata in A Dutton: Under the Rose Arbor Hobson: The Waterfall Gwynn: Woodland Waltz.