Cup of Death, Paperback
You live with your family in the Japanese city of Kyoto. Your best friend calls you and tells you that a national treasure has been stolen. It is a tea bowl called Yukisoo. Your list of possible suspects includes high-ranking politicians, socialites, the Mafia, and a housekeeper. With such a long list, your search will be difficult, but this tea bowl is worth more than money can buy What would you do if? ? one of your suspects insisted the bowl he had was a fake? Would you believe him and free him? Or would you leave him tied up and take the bowl? What would you do if? ? the kidnapper guarding you fell asleep? Would you steal his weapon and try to escape? Or would taking it be too risky? What would you do if? ? you felt you were being followed by two men in a dark car? Would you make a break for it? Or would you pretend to make a call and check them out more closely? YOU choose what happens next